Senior Graphics Programmer – Job Posting

redhookjohn Job Postings

We are seeking a full-time programmer to join us as we begin work on our next title to follow our successful debut title Darkest Dungeon. Red Hook Studios is a small team and as such you will be working closely with all roles to accomplish tasks.

Your specific responsibilities will be to work with our team in implementing the creative look and feel of our next game in Unity. You will also be working with our programming team in separating and implementing new features in a timely and consistent pace. You have a positive attitude and contribute to a healthy team dynamic by seeing opportunities and highlighting limitations in a constructive way. You can communicate to clearly establish common goals and align expectations.


    • Work within the Unity framework to help us achieve a striking and memorable look
    • Translate design and art requirements into clean and efficient code
    • Oversee graphical implementation and establish a robust workflow for artists
    • Tackle a wide variety of coding tasks
  • Help evaluate and implement middleware as necessary


  • 10+ Years Experience
  • Required: Shipped Titles (PC / Console) where you were working as a graphics / rendering programmer
  • Required: C++ Experience
  • Strong 3D Math Skills
  • Strong Shader Skills


    • Unity Experience
    • C# Experience
    • Tools Experience
    • Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team, including initiating conversation when required to resolve blockages and obtain more information
    • Ability to switch between different parts of the game’s systems fluidly
    • Be flexible in coding styles, while working across multiple release platforms
    • Self-regulating and self-motivated with a strong work ethic.
    • Game enthusiast, stays up on trends and interested in continuous improvement of product and self
  • Familiarity with Darkest Dungeon gameplay preferred

Duration: Permanent full-time, on-site.

Location: Vancouver

Compensation: Competitive, DOE

Send us your resume and include “Senior Graphics Programmer Posting” in the subject: