Privacy Policy: Red Hook Studios


Red Hook Studios is focused on the development of videogames for your enjoyment. We value your privacy. New European Union legislation called the GDPR now sets out comprehensive requirements for all companies handling the personal data of EU citizens.

We think these are good steps towards protecting customer data generally, so we are treating all of our customers with the same care, not just EU residents!

The GDPR requires a number of things we must tell you of when we collect data from you. We have provided all the information you need as simply and clearly as possible through this Privacy Policy using a question-and-answer format.

We may continue to update this Privacy Policy from time to time.

What data do you hold about me?

Email List:

We hold the following details for people who have signed up on our email list:

  • Email address
  • Possibly your first and last name or other contact information, if you provided those at time of signup

Backer Database (Kickstarter/BackerKit):

We hold the following details for people who backed one of our products on Kickstarter:

  • Email address
  • Name
  • Physical address (if you provided it for the purpose of us shipping you Kickstarter rewards)
  • Note that we do not have, nor ever had your payment information. That was only held by Kickstarter or BackerKit.

Website and Cookies Policy

Like many websites, we use ‘Cookies’ to make our site more convenient to our customers.Cookies are small pieces of data that are transferred between a Web server and your Web browser, and stored on your computer or mobile device as a file.

We mainly use Cookies for the following purposes:

  • So you do not have to enter a password every time you visit our forums.
  • Cookies are used for analytic practices to help us understand our customers’ activities in our services.
  • This information may include your forum login and password, technical information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns, the date you have accessed our Site, your browser, OS, IP address, and the domain name. The content recorded on access logs is not used in conjunction with personal information.

You may disable the function of Cookies by choosing your browser’s configuration to disallow cookies. You may also delete your Cookies at any time by using your browser settings to delete them..

How did you get my data?

Email List:

If you are on our email list, in almost all cases that means you opted in at some point to join it. In some cases, it’s possible that you backed one of our products on Kickstarter, and we collected data from that database to add you to our email list.

Backer Database:

If you are in our backer database, it is because you backed Darkest Dungeon on Kickstarter.

Website and Cookies:

If we have website/cookie data about you, it’s because you visited one of our websites ( or You may have also signed up and participated on one of our discussion forums.

What do you use my data for?

We use your data only to keep connected with you as a customer of Red Hook Studios.

Specific activities include:

  • Staying in touch with you about Red Hook Studios news and products, such as Darkest Dungeon.
  • Enabling you to participate on our hosted discussion boards.

We DO NOT sell or transfer your information to any third party for any reason not involved in maintaining a relationship with you as a fan and customer of Red Hook Studios and our products.

Who is responsible for my data?

Any data collected about you will be kept under Red Hook’s control to the best of our ability. In most cases, your actual data is stored on one of our service provider’s systems--see later in this policy.

Red Hook Studios is a British Columbia Corporation and can be contacted using the following details:

Post: The Data Controller, Red Hook Studios, #101 225 W. 8th Ave, Vancouver BC V5Y 1N3, Canada


How long will you keep my data for?

Email list data:

We only keep your data as long as you remain subscribed to the mailing list. You can do this at any time using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email we send you.

Backer Database:

We will keep your data long enough to be able to fulfill all Kickstarter-related rewards and activities. Kickstarter has their own policy for maintaining your data, so we encourage you to check with them for any related concerns.

Website data:

We keep your website cookies only as long as you allow the cookies to exist on your web browser. You may delete them at any time using your browser settings.

We keep your forum login information as long as you wish to retain a forum account with us. You may delete your account at any time.

Where will my data be stored?

Occasionally, your data will be stored on Red Hook’s own internal systems in our headquarters in Vancouver, Canada. However, generally we use cloud based services to store and process data about customers. Some of these cloud providers store data in the United States. We try to use providers that are certified under the EU-US privacy shield framework (see ). More information about the security measures put in place by these providers is linked to below.

We may choose to use other service providers in future, if we do they will be bound by the same strict rules which guarantee that the same safeguards are in place, and your rights remain the same. If we change our service providers then we will update the details on this page so you can always return to this page to see where your data is being stored.

Email List Data:

Your email list data is stored on our service provider’s systems. Our service provider is MailChip--see contact information below.

Backer Database:

Kickstarter and BackerKit Data is stored on both services. We used Backerkit to assist with processing our obligations related to our crowdfunded projects.

  • What data: Data related to you supporting our crowdfunded projects
  • Purpose: Fulfilling our obligations related to our crowdfunded projects
  • Data location: USA
  • More info:

  • What data: Data related to you supporting our crowdfunded projects
  • Purpose: Fulfilling our obligations related to our crowdfunded projects
  • Data location: USA
  • More info:

Website Data:

Your website data is stored on our service provider’s systems. Our website service providers are SquareSpace and Dreamhost--see contact information below.

  • What data: Server-related info (website visits, forum login, posts)
  • Purpose: Website interaction
  • Data location: USA
  • More info:

  • What data: Server-related info (website visits, forum login, posts)
  • Purpose: Website interaction
  • Data location: USA
  • More info:

Who will have access to my data? Will you pass my data to anyone else?

Only Red Hook personnel, contractors, and service providers (listed above) will have access to your data, and only for the purposes listed in this policy. We do not sell or otherwise distribute your data to anyone else.

What is GDPR?

GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. This is a pan-european law which replaces previous national data protection legislation and gives all EU citizens common rights. The full text of the GDPR can be found here:

What rights does GDPR give me?

Full details of your rights are available in the text of the GDPR (see, but here is a quick summary of the main provisions which are relevant to the type of data we hold about you:

  • Access: You have the right to view the data we hold about you and to receive copies of this data in digital format.
  • Accuracy: If any of the data we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete then you can provide the correct or complete data and we must update the data we hold.
  • Erasure: You can request that we erase all the data we hold about you.
  • Restriction of processing: In some cases you can ask us to retain your data but not do anything with it.

How do I exercise my GDPR rights?

Email List:

  • You can unsubscribe from our email list at any time, using the link found in the footer of any email we send you.

General Inquiries:

  • If you want to exercise any of your rights in relation to data we hold about you then please email: or email or write to the Data Controller at the address given above (see "Who is responsible for my data?")

Please provide details in your email/letter of what actions you would like us to take. Depending on the nature of the request and whether or not your request comes from the email address we have on file for you, we may need to verify your identity so that we don't give out information to the wrong person. In most cases it helps if you are able to provide a contact phone number so that we can validate your identify and discuss the request with you.

What if I have a complaint?

If you are concerned about how we manage your data, or how we have handled a request to exercise your rights, then please get in touch with us to discuss it. To do this please send an email detailing your concerns to