Discord Server January Contest – Winners

redhooknatisha Uncategorized

“Women and men; soldiers and outlaws; fools and corpses. All will find their way to us now that the road is clear.”

Our second mod contest ever held has concluded and the results are in! We first announced the contest on our Discord on November 18th and opened up submissions on January 19th. There were three amazing entries that you can see below!

The theme of the contest was Winter or Celebration, and modders were allowed to work in teams to make any type of mod. 

Mod Contest Winners:

🥇 First: 🥇

🌬️  Bogatyr Class Mod: 🌬️

Slightly_Seal – Coding/Design
Miraclebutt – Animation/Writing
S-Purple – Art Assets/Concepting
Smarmy Mormon Jesus – Help w/ Coding/Cut Artworks for Anim
totally not anonymous_koala  – Help w/ Animation

🥈 Second: 🥈

👩‍🍳 The Itinerant Cook: 👩‍🍳

Mhnlo – Art/Animation
BayBot – Coding/Sound

🥉 Third: 🥉

🎅 How the Bandits Stole Christmas: 🎅 

Snorlaxxo – Gameplay Design/Code
kaxen – Design/Art/Animation

Next contest will be held this month and will be an emoji contest! More details to come!

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. To join the Darkest Dungeon Discord Server, click here.