Another Life Joins the Red Hook Studio Ranks!

redhookjohn News

Red Hook is pleased to announce the hiring of Dana Fortier (@BigHotSneeze) as a senior game designer. Dana brings over a decade of experience in game design, including years of working alongside some of the other Red Hook staff in previous studios. He has worked at EA (Skate) and Microsoft, as well as Backbone Entertainment (Rifts, Death, jr. and Mad Science Alliance).

Dana has actually been involved with Darkest Dungeon for months now, helping write character barks, working on the PlayStation ports, and more. Right now, Dana is already neck deep in the creation of some pretty creepy Crimson Court content, which bodes very ill for many of your adventurers.

We’re happy to make him a permanent part of the team, and we look forward to putting him under inhuman amounts of stress – welcome Dana!