Darkest Dungeon Team Update

seangreen News


The Darkest Dungeon team is incredibly grateful for your support for this game. The early response has been beyond our wildest expectations. This will translate into making the game even better.

However, we wanted you to know that at this moment, our tiny team is 100% busy attending to technical support, backer support, website support, and forum support. Our priority is to get as many people as we can up and running who are still having problems or who wish to upgrade their $15 pledge to gain Early Access right now.

We are super excited to get back to adding new features, making balance adjustments, and generally working on the game itself! But please be patient as we won’t be able to devote our full energies to that until we can get through more support issues.

Also, the team is pretty darned tired after the crunch to getting to release. So at some point we might need to take a few days off and resuscitate our brains, which are mostly mush at this moment. 😛 (But it’s a very, very happy mush.)

So much more Darkest Dungeon stuff is on the horizon, and we can’t wait to get it to you.

Delve deep, keep to the light, and always bring a shovel.