Discord Server April Contest Update: Winners!

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The meme contest has concluded and the winners have been chosen by the Discord server members. We had an overwhelming 34 glorious memes submitted, making this our most participated contest. Details on the contest and how to join the Discord server are below!

Winning Memes:
Congratulations to the winners of our first meme contest!

First place:
The Ancestor Goes to Burgerking by FrozenMonkeyKing (Video)
Second place: When you download a cool skin mod by Marvin Seo
Third place: Afflicted Ancestor Lets It Go by Sir Dong Knight (Video)

Other submitted memes:
Foolhardy Courage by Dr Civilization
Poor Miller by FrankWest21CP
Occultist Fear No Men by Steamerclaw
From Beyond by Clandent1101, Festive Master
On the old road, we found memes by LasagnaLad
Tempting Goblet by ejihog
They Broke My Faith by pm-zap
After All, Why Not? by Netty (Video)
When You Send Your Crusader Into the Weald by .ThePotionSeller
First Mission in a Nutshell by Nate
Occultist Dungeon 2 by Big Red
Based on a Sad, but True Story by Nebula
Still Going to Die Though by ╲⎝ GOD ⎠╱
Warrens Be Like by Plante
Sh(he) Be(lie)ve(d) by Alky
Party Wipe Time by EbicGamer
Dankest Memegeon by Alex Dieffenbach
What I Learned About Overconfidence Is by MitchKay
Hellion > Leper by LKnight:
No Happiness in this Hell by Iridantic
Teetering on the brink, facing the memes by RamenNuudals
A moment of respite by Tim88Hortons
Deathblow! by TiagoNicolaRaposinha
How to heal Within the Dungeons by Mico, the Bleach Supplier
Abusive Cooperation by K.S.S. Anthony
Teper Farming by ChickenGuy [papaporo paprito]
The Heir Went Missing… by Captain_Nesquick (Video)
Welcome to the Hamlet! by Luxy
Pork no More! by Warboss Gogangash
This b!tch ain’t empty by Trollo  
Your usual run in darkest dungeon by Alex_anitos (Video)

Contest Info:
Our Discord server community was informed on March 11th of the contest and how to participate. On March 27th we posted a Google form for the contestants to submit and the memes began to trickle in. We reviewed all the memes and on April 1st we posted all the acceptable memes to the Discord server for voting.

*Contest prizes pictured at top of page.

Voting started April 1st and closed on April 5th at 5pm PST. Each entry was posted with a corresponding Emoji. Members voted on their favourite via the Emoji for that meme.

We are very happy with how many memes we received and hope that future contests will continue to be so active! Our next contest will be in June; a post will be made in May for more details. Any feedback or ideas regarding the contests are welcome!

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. To join the Darkest Dungeon Discord Server, click here.