Radiant Update – The Squiffy Ghast

redhookjohn Community, Media, News

In our previous post on the Radiant Update we introduced the Bone Bearer, a new champion level monster waiting to be found in the ruins. We are continuing the introductions today with the the new champion monster that is coming to the Cove. Today we bring you the first look at the Squiffy Ghast. When the moon waxes terrible, aethereal …

Darkest Dungeon – Year One

redhookjohn Community, News

Darkest Dungeon released exactly one year ago today! Thanks to your support (which of course means a willingness to throw innocent heroes into harms way over and over and over again), the game has captivated over 1 million players on five different platforms. What began as a tiny nugget of an idea has become reality, and the thriving community around …