Let’s Talk About the Corpse in the Room

seangreen News

Let’s talk about the corpse in the room. When we deployed the Corpse & Hound patch in July, it brought quite a bit more upheaval within the community than we were expecting, centered largely on the corpses and heart attacks features, and to a lesser extent some of the other combat related changes such as the introduction of more armoring …

New PC and Mac Build #10154 – Corpse Changes and More!

seangreen News

Corpses corpses cannot be missed corpses are not made if killing blow was a crit corpses should inherit remaining DOTs if they were killed by a normal hit instead lowered small corpse HP slightly Heroes Houndmaster: fix to scaling bugs where wasn’t getting proper proc rates as he leveled up (whistle, debuffs) Houndmaster: increased base damage Houndmaster/Hound’s Rush: increased accuracy, …

Those From Below

seangreen News

Hi Everyone! A quick update on our development progress.  We’re thrilled to announce that we’re bringing the 4th dungeon – The COVE – to Pax Prime at the end of this month!  If you’re attending PAX, be sure to stop by our booth and check it out! Prepping for PAX is a big undertaking, and for that reason we will be releasing …